National Association for Home Care and Hospice

National Association for Home Care and Hospice
Homecare & Hospice Equals Passion: The annual Caring Awards resulted in more than 100 million national media impression each year
National Association for Home Care and Hospice: Elevating the Importance of Home Care Workers
National Association for Home Care and Hospice, the nation’s largest trade association representing the interests and concerns of home care agencies, hospices, home care aide organizations, and related medical equipment suppliers, relied on Rosica to promote its mission, handle special events and solicit support from key opinion leaders and legislators. Our agency supported the organization’s lobbying efforts and issues management through the volume of media placements we secured.
The publicity helped thwart legislation that would have been detrimental to the interests of the association’s members. (One proposal would have added a $50 co-pay to Medicare patients for some care visits, which would have adversely affected more than two million Americans.) Rosica coordinated logistical details, conducted pre- and post-event publicity and prepared materials for educational conferences. Additionally, Rosica conceived ideas to advance NAHC’s objectives through partnerships, including the creation of the Caring Institute inspired by Mother Teresa, to honor and promote the values of caring, integrity, and public service.
Annual awards ceremonies at which The Caring Institute inducted deserving individuals into its Hall of Fame for Caring Americans generated significant media coverage and attracted high-profile attendees from the public and private sectors. The annual Caring Awards resulted in more than 100 million national media impressions each year.