Pitch Smart PRSM
Most PR practitioners talk up their media “relationships.” While we have many deep relationships, we continuously expand that circle with real time, in-depth research to find all reporters and producers who are appropriate to tell our clients’ stories. The media field is experiencing swift turnover and we stay ahead by consuming the very media our clients want to secure and pitching them smart story angles. But the real power of generating earned media is what happens afterward. We say, “media begets media.” This adage, which is at the heart of our media relations strategy, is based on our decades of experience and we know its power. PitchSmart PRSM is Rosica’s proven method for seeding broadcast media coverage we secure to prompt and secure print, streaming, and digital media results. In addition, we leverage the storytelling our team does that appears in print and digital media with broadcast and steaming media. These tactics are just some of the steps we take to produce and magnify results. It’s a snowball effect that focuses on knowing the media and sending outlet-appropriate coverage they view as non-competitive, and which can influence them to produce a prompt, related story.