Helping clients frame public debate on issues and influence policy makers
Rosica helps issues advocacy organizations, Fortune 500 companies and non-profits frame the public debate on issues and influence the minds and policy direction of government decision-makers. Our forte is making complex issues understandable to and actionable for key audiences.
Rosica helps clients develop and articulate policy, think and plan strategically for the long term, manage controversial issues, build coalitions and deal intelligently with media, government and other internal/external audiences to achieve strategic goals. We offer strategic counseling, managing crises and controversial issues, guiding clients through a proactive process that helps them develop and articulate policy and procedures before a crisis arises.
Rosica also works with clients in the local community in philanthropy, site issues, employee concerns or a combination of many factors. We identify local leadership in government, business and voluntary sectors, research local issues and community priorities and recommend and implement the best strategy for achieving your goals.
To learn more about our public affairs offerings, click here.